Prim-ministra Italiei, Giorgia Meloni, a fost derutată, joi, de o întrebare surpriză despre furnici. Timp de mai bine de două ore, Meloni a răspuns la întrebările jurnaliștilor în conferința sa anuală de presă, scrie,…
The main conceptual idea of the text is a humorous anecdote about Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni being surprised by a Bulgarian journalist's unusual question.
The journalist asked Meloni if she stepped on ants, referencing a Bulgarian saying that doing so brings rain. The unexpectedness and lighthearted nature of the question derailed the more serious tone of the press conference, making for a memorable exchange.
The story itself highlights the occasional absurdity of press conferences and how a seemingly trivial question can disrupt the expected flow.
The main conceptual idea of the text is a humorous anecdote about Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni being surprised by a Bulgarian journalist's unusual question. The journalist asked Meloni if she stepped on ants, referencing a Bulgarian saying that doing so brings rain. The unexpectedness and lighthearted nature of the question derailed the more serious tone of the press conference, making for a memorable exchange. The story itself highlights the occasional absurdity of press conferences and how a seemingly trivial question can disrupt the expected flow.